ANZALS Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia book launch


The ANZALS Leisure and Health Special Interest Group is delighted to bring you the launch of a new book: Leisure and Everyday Life with Dementia.

To be published by Open University Press in October, this book examines leisure in the everyday lives of people living with dementia, and challenges us to consider the role of leisure activities beyond their potential for therapeutic benefit.

Join us as we chat with two of the co-editors, Chris Russell and Karen Gray, about the background to the book, and what their aspirations are. Hear from chapter authors as they present their work, then make the most of the opportunity to have a question and answer session with Chris and Karen.

This FREE session is sure to be of interest to ANZALS members and the wider leisure studies community, so register today to join us online on Wednesday 5 July (8:30am UK/3:30pm Western Australia/5:30pm Eastern Australia/7:30pm New Zealand)!

Select the link below for more details –>


Wednesday 5 July 2023 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC+12)


Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser

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