Call for Chapters: Routledge Advances in Leisure Studies Series
news / November 23, 2023
1. Leisured Walking: Mobilities, Encounters and Critical Engagements
There is a rich tradition within the social sciences that documents the important role of walking in people’s everyday lives. This collection aims to build on that history, by bringing together the latest social science research that explores the role of leisure and walking, critically, conceptually and methodologically. The focus is broad: from specific empirical case studies, to religious and cultural events, to the importance of the mundane, repetitive and routine walking practices that people engage in.
Please consider submitting 250-word abstracts by Thursday 2nd February 2024, along with a brief author biography. Notification of acceptation by 28th February 2024. It is anticipated that first-draft chapters (6,000 words including references) will be due Wednesday 31st July 2024.
I am keen to receive contributions from across the Social Sciences and Humanities that take an expansive look at leisure and walking in the Global South as well as minoritized, indigenous and marginalised leisured walking practices in the Global North. Chapters can explore (but are not limited to) the following:
- Walking, leisure and social inequalities – disability, ageing, gender, race & indigenous perspectives
- Personal/intimate relationships, leisure and walking
- Meanings of leisure and walking – everyday interactions and practices (e.g. human-animal relations)
- Embodiment, leisure and walking
- Religious and cultural events, walking and leisure
- Urban walking and leisure
- Rural walking and leisure
- Health and wellbeing, walking and leisure
- Walking as method/methodological approaches to walking and leisure
For further information please contact the editor: Miriam Snellgrove, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Glasgow (
2. Criminology, Leisure and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
We are seeking chapters for an edited booked entitled: Criminology, Leisure, and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. The book brings together criminology with socio-cultural analysis of leisure and sport to provide an interdisciplinary collection of work. Crime, deviance, and sport have an established history within the sociology of sport. However, criminology, leisure, and sport are yet to be explored fully in terms of co-creating methodologies, theories, concepts, and new knowledge.
Please consider submitting 300-word abstracts by Thursday 29th February 2024. It is anticipated that first-draft chapters (5,000-6,000 words) will be due Friday 30th August 2024.
Chapters can be based on empirical research findings, theoretical and/or conceptual contributions and accounts from practitioners. Specifically, we encourage submissions from ECRs. Topics might include, but are not limited to:
- Athletes, coaches, managers, governing bodies engaging in criminal activities: responses, regulations, repercussions.
- Leisure and green/environmental crime: activism and resistance.
- Crime and criminal activity through leisure practices, cultures and spaces (entertainment industry, gambling, night-time economy, festivals, transgressive leisure).
- Sport participation and its impacts on offenders’ everyday lives: pleasures, risks and challenges.
- Sport/leisure and hate crime: Race. Religion. Disability. Sexual orientation. Transgender identity.
- The gendering of criminology, leisure and sport interdisciplinarity.
For further information, please contact the editors:
Mark Berry, Lecturer Criminology, Bournemouth University
Carl Berry, Lecturer Criminology, UWE Bristol
Jayne Caudwell, Associate Professor Sociology, Bournemouth University