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The Leisure Studies Association book series
Advances in Leisure Studies
Series Editors: Jayne Caudwell (Bournemouth University) and Paul Gilchrist (University of Brighton)
Advances in Leisure Studies features original interdisciplinary and international scholarship from leisure studies and related academic fields and disciplines. The series brings together cutting-edge research by those working in leisure studies with a focus on emerging lines of enquiry inspired by new debates, controversies and perspectives. The series explores a wide range of topics informed by new theoretical interventions and empirical research and encompasses a variety of methodological approaches. Advances in Leisure Studies is a series that speaks to the complexities and intricacies of leisure in the twenty-first century.
To submit a proposal for the series please contact the Series Editors. We welcome proposals for edited volumes and monographs.
New calls:
Title: Leisure and forced migration: Reframing critical analysis of lives lived in the asylum system
Editors:Nicola De Martini Ugolotti and Jayne Caudwell, Bournemouth University, UK
See here for more details
Available now:
Digital Football Cultures: Fandom, Identities and Resistance (Edited by Stefan Lawrence, Garry Crawford)
The Leisure Studies Association Back Catalogue
The back catalogue of books published by the LSA is now available for download by members. Please sign in to the members area to access the collection.
A full contents page of all issues is available for download here [coming soon]