Call for Applications: LSA Research and Enterprise Development Fund


The LSA is pleased to offer the Research, Enterprise and Education Development Fund to provide a source of funding to promote both the Leisure Studies Association and the study of Leisure more broadly. Proposals are invited from existing LSA members[1] in the following categories:

Research Support Fund: to support the undertaking of high-quality research related to the scope and aims of the LSA.

Research Dissemination Fund: to support LSA members to disseminate their work beyond that of ‘traditional’ peer-reviewed outlets, not only to other academics interested in the study of leisure but also to practitioners, policymakers and other interested audiences.

Enterprise fund: to provide support for enterprising or social entrepreneurial activities related to the scope and aims of the LSA.

Educational Development Fund: to support high-quality teaching and learning research or the development of educational resources related to the scope and aims of the LSA.

The types of things that may be considered under each category are as follows:

Research Support Fund

A range of activities directly related to research activities will be considered, such as travel, fieldwork, networking, and data analysis. Attendance at conferences will not be funded.

Research Dissemination Fund

Support for any dissemination activity will be considered, such as hosting one-day conferences, seminars, workshops and ‘virtual’ dissemination activities. Activities that involve practitioners, policymakers and non-academic audiences are encouraged.

Enterprise fund

To support any enterprising or social entrepreneurial activities/ideas/events that promote and enhance the scope and aims of the LSA. The fund is particularly keen to support those activities/ideas that use leisure as a vehicle to promote, in their broadest definition, social justice, community development and peace. Applications that have an element of match funding attached to them will also be looked at particularly favourably.

Educational Development Fund

To support a range of activities related to developing education in the field of leisure, including aspects of pedagogical research such as fieldwork and data analysis, the design and/or development of educational resources and the dissemination of research findings and/or educational resources to a range of audiences.  The fund is particularly keen on activities and ideas that support social justice, community development and peace and those that might be shared with the Leisure Studies Association membership.  Applications must demonstrate the potential for impact beyond local settings (i.e., projects must extend beyond the applicant’s own department or institution).  Attendance at conferences will not be funded.

Guidance for Applicants

  • The maximum amount that will be awarded is £5000. There is no minimum amount.
  • Proposals which incorporate elements of two or more of the categories are encouraged.
  • The LSA may award a partial amount from that requested.
  • Preference will be given to applications that have additional or match-funding.
  • Proposals must use the application form here.

Applications will be judged by a panel of at least three current LSA Executive Committee members appointed by the LSA Executive Committee.

Applications will be judged against the following criteria:

  • The clarity and coherence of the proposed activity (30%)
  • Originality and creativity (30%).
  • The extent to which the proposal is seen to promote and benefit the LSA as a learned society and/or leisure studies more broadly (30%)
  • Realistic costings/budget (and with, where appropriate, evidence of match funding) (10%)


Applications should be emailed in Word format to by 5pm BST Friday 30th June 2023. The application form can be accessed here.


  1. Any changes to planned expenditure must be agreed by LSA beforehand.
  2. If subsistence is claimed, this should be claimed at the normal rate of the applicant’s host institution, and clearly itemised on the application. Alcohol will not be reimbursed
  3. All expenditure must be for the applicant only unless agreed by the LSA beforehand.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed beforehand, all funds will be reimbursed to the applicant, rather than paid up front.
  5. Funds should be spent within 12 months of the award unless agreed beforehand.

Further Information

For more information, please contact Dr Alexander Bond ( The application form can be found here.

[1] Applicants should normally have been members of LSA for at least 12 months, however applications from newer members may also be considered – please contact for guidance.

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